I am a critical developmental and educational psychologist and Assistant Professor at Wheaton College Massachusetts, where I teach classes including Adolescent and Lifespan Development, Research Methods, and an upper level seminar I created called Race, Society, and Psychology.

As a researcher, I take our inequitable society as a starting point for all my work, using qualitative and quantitative methods to study how young people navigate school, family, and society as they develop beliefs and behaviors about themselves and the world around them. I am particularly interested in how and under which circumstances youth resist oppression in large and small ways. Additionally, I turn the lens on psychological research itself, examining how the methods, scales, and terms we use either reinforce or resist societal inequity.

My work has been published in the Journal of Research on Adolescence, Child Development, and the American Psychologist, among other outlets. In 2023 I was awarded the Early Career Research Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development.

In addition to research and teaching, I am currently a Consulting Editor at the journal Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology and an Associate Editor at Identity, where I am also co-editing a special issue on identity in the context of migration.

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Please take a look at my ResearchGate page for access to additional peer reviewed journal articles and my Linktr.ee profile for other relevant links.